Pop Pov


Reproductive Health, Women’s Empowerment, and Economic Prosperity

  • August 2011
  • Interview
Duncan Thomas

Duncan Thomas and Elizabeth Frankenberg of Duke University draw on data from family planning and reproductive health programs in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mexico, and South Africa to measure the impact of these programs on women’s health and well-being. They also assessed evidence of improvements in women’s health and empowerment on their current and future economic prosperity and found that women tend to allocate more of the resources under their control toward investments and savings. Thomas discusses the background of the team’s research and findings with Ellen Carnevale, PRB’s Vice President of Communications and Marketing.

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Reproductive Health, Women’s Empowerment, and Economic Prosperity

  • August 2011
  • Interview
Duncan Thomas

Duncan Thomas and Elizabeth Frankenberg of Duke University draw on data from family planning and reproductive health programs in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mexico, and South Africa to measure the impact of these programs on women’s health and well-being. They also assessed evidence of improvements in women’s health and empowerment on their current and future economic prosperity and found that women tend to allocate more of the resources under their control toward investments and savings. Thomas discusses the background of the team’s research and findings with Ellen Carnevale, PRB’s Vice President of Communications and Marketing.

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