The annual conference put on by the PopPov Research Network took place in Cape Town, South Africa, Jan. 14-17, 2010. The meeting brought together the world’s most prominent researchers on population and economic development, with a particular emphasis on African economics researchers and those conducting research in Africa.
Conference Objectives:
- Share information about Hewlett Foundation and European Science Agency research funding programs for population, reproductive health, and economic development;
- Learn about on-going and planned research on population, reproductive health, and economic development and provide constructive feedback;
- Identify gaps in evidence and methods that inhibit development of sound policies on population, family planning, and reproductive health;
- Discuss examples of research influence on population, reproductive health, and family planning policies and how to communicate research to policymakers; and
- Discuss the PopPov Research Network and how it can be strengthened.
Agenda: (PDF: 168KB)
Conference summary: (PDF: 527KB)
The following are presentations given at the PopPov conference in January 2010. The presentations are organized by topic and correspond to the order in which they were presented.
Micro-Economic Research
Maria Porter—Fertility & Women’s Labor Force Participation in Developing Countries (PDF: 238KB)
David Lam—Comments on Porter and King, “Fertility & Women’s Labor Force Participation in Developing Countries” (PDF: 147KB)
Allan Hill and Gunther Fink—Women’s Work, Children and Illness in Accra, Ghana (PDF: 1.6MB)
Topical: Reproductive Health, Family Planning, and Poverty
Halsey Rogers—The Decision to Invest in Child Quality over Quantity: Declining Fertility and Rising Household Investment in Education in Vietnam (PDF: 229KB)
Monica Das Gupta—Son Preference & Fertility Decline in China: Consequences for Elder Poverty (PDF: 438KB)
Clause C. Portner—The Determinants of Sex Selective Abortions (PDF: 320KB)
Methodological: Cross-Sectional
Mathias Kuepie—Migration, Labor Market and Demographic Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF: 254KB)
Topical: Female Employment
Ben D’Exelle—Fertility and Female Time Allocation to Income Generating Activities (PDF: 143KB)
Matthias Lundberg—Fertility and Women’s Labor Force Participation in a Low-Income Rural Economy (PDF: 274KB)
Methodological: Experimental
Will Dow—Evaluating Conditional Cash Transfers to Prevent HIV and other STIs in Tanzania (PDF: 221KB)
Harsha Thiramurthy—Impacts of CCTs for High School Attendance on Young Women’s HIV Risk: 3-Year RCT in South Africa (PDF: 270KB)
Berk Ozler—Sex and the Classroom: Can a Cash Transfer Program for Schooling decrease HIV infections? (PDF: 328KB)
Overview of Research in the Pop/Pov Program
Shareen Joshi—Population Dynamics and Economic Development: An Assessment of Recent Research (PDF: 266KB)
Macro-Economic Research
Rob Eastwood and Michael Lipton—Demographic Transition in SSA: Accounting & Economics (PDF: 82KB)
Comments on Eastwood and Lipton from Gunther Fink—Comments on “Demographic Transition in SSA: Accounting & Economics” (PDF: 152KB)
Joshua Wilde—The Effect of Interventions to Reduce Fertility on Economic Growth (PDF: 233KB)
Comments on Wilde from Johannes Fedderke—Comments on “The Effect of Interventions to Reduce Fertility on Economic Growth” (PDF: 115KB)
David Canning—Fertility, the Demographic Dividend, and Economic Growth (PDF: 1.9MB)
Adolescence and Economic Outcomes
Kelly Hallman—“Siyakha Nentsha” Enhancing the Economic, Health, and Social Capabilities of Highly Vulnerable Youth (PDF: 2.8MB)
Jeroen Smits—Effects of Family Planning Outcomes on Primary School Attendance in Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF: 868KB)
Bruno Mesquelier—Poverty and Unmet Needs in SRH of Adolescents and Youth in Central Africa (PDF: 541KB)
Patrick Plane—Fertility, Schooling and Work Transitions of Young Women in Africa: Understanding Determinants and Outcomes (PDF: 4.1MB)
Hewlett/PRB/IIE Dissertation Fellows
Scott McNiven—Biofortified Crop Diffusion and Advice Networks in a Vitamin A Intervention in Uganda (PDF: 1.7MB)
Joshua Wilde—How Substitutable are Fixed Factors in Production? (PDF: 897KB)
Uma Radhakrishnan—A Dynamic Structural Model of Contraceptive Use and Employment Sector Choice for Women in Indonesia (PDF: 819KB)
Communications Session
Eric Brown—Think Inside the Box (PDF: 94KB)